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Posts at ISCA.blue
Speed Test Set Routine from Brett Hawke
I want speed endurance.Tip: Put cones on the bottom of the pool.Speed set comes after talking about the other set.Broken[...]
Power Rack Test Set Routine from Brett Hawke
Ultimate goal:Be as heavy as possible (with the weights), yet be as clean as possible with the swim technique.
Memo to ISCA about plans for Ohio and Pennsylvania
To Doug Fonder, President and Meet Director of ISCASince ISCA runs many high quality, well-trusted meets throughout the year, perhaps[...]
Popular, swimming is
According to the 2021-22 NFHS High School Athletics Participation Survey, swimming and diving is the 10th-most popular sport for boys[...]
Relay Splits to percentage of total time
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New York policy shifts
New York's PSAL (Public School Athletic League) new policiesStudents at schools with under five teams get first crack at individual[...]
Our water imperative.
Speaker: Henk Ovink Dutch, special envoy to the UN for water. 
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I-League could become a model for developing additional teams in other sports.
Idea from a former high school principal:This might work well for other sports too, such as bowling.The I-League model might[...]