Memo to ISCA about plans for Ohio and Pennsylvania


To Doug Fonder, President and Meet Director of ISCA

Since ISCA runs many high quality, well-trusted meets throughout the year, perhaps ISCA could consider hosting the following meets in the future.


A meta meet has been shared with some local coaches. The next generation draft plan is outlined below. 

Mid-Season Meet

Mid-season Ohio vs. Pennsylvania Dual Meet Invite

  • In December or January, host a one session high school meet. 
  • The meet has one heat of every event, both boys and girls.
  • Swim short course yards in an 8-lane or else 10-lane pool.
  • Time final format.
  • The meet's location should be in central or western PA and eastern or central Ohio so as to limit travels. 
  • Perhaps the meet could be held before or after a college meet so that those who travel to compete could stay and watch. 
  • Invitations are sent to the competitors based upon the conclusion of the state championship meet the prior year. Ideally, the top four place earners (if the meet is in an 8 lane pool, else top 5 if in a 10 lane pool) are invited. Then half of the field is from PA and the other half from Ohio. 
  • Team and individuals attending are posted to a website in a transparent process as is done with for the other ISCA meets.  
  • Freshmen can not compete in this meet as no freshman was in the meet the prior year. Of course, seniors from the prior year have graduated.
  • Student athletes and high school teams who choose to not participate in the meet are strongly encouraged to communicate with the meet invitation committee as soon as possible so that the alternates based upon the prior year's results can be invited to participate.
  • A deposit fee for meet participation / reservation is required to signal intention of participation. 
  • Television or streaming coverage of the meet is expected.
  • Sponsorships for the meet are permitted to help cover costs.
  • Student athletes can engage with NIL supporters to help with finances as well. 
  • After the meet, a mini clinic among coaches, athletes, boosters and others is a desired option.
Intergalactic Meet art

Intergalactic Meets: Intergalactic Ohio & Intergalactic Pennsylvania

  • One meet is held in Ohio and another meet is held in Pennsylvania. So, these are two different meets. Ohio and Pennsylvania have two classifications for swimming and diving championships. Ohio has Division I (larger schools) and Division II (smaller schools). Pennsylvania has Class AAA (larger schools) and Class AA (smaller schools). 
  • This same concept, if desired and effective, could be deployed in other states with two or more state championships.
  • The Intergalactic meet concept would not work in Indiana nor Illinois because all of high school teams compete in a single championship meet.
  • The Intergalactic Meets are held the day following the conclusion of the state's high school championships. This is a SUNDAY. For example, the PIAA state championships has one class compete on Wednesday and Thursday. The other class competes on Friday and Saturday. So, the Intergalactic Meet would be on Sunday.
  • To gain permission for holding a high school meet on the day following the state championships, the respective state governing bodies would need to change policies and extend the high school season by one day. The new motion to the board would read: The official conclusion of the high school swimming and diving season occurs one day after the final state championships are held.
  • The Intergalactic meet features one heat, time finals, of every event, boys and girls, in a dual meet format with 4 athletes (if the meet is contested in an 8 lane pool) from the big school classification against 4 athletes from the smaller school classification. In Ohio it is Division I vs. Division II. In PA it is Class AAA vs. Class AA.
  • Competitors are invited to the meet based upon their performances at the most recent state championships. 
  • The invited swimmers can be from any grade: 9, 10, 11, and 12.
  • Commitments to participate are gathered throughout the high school season with Final Invitations delivered to the competitors throughout the state championship meet. Ideally, the top four place earners (if the meet is in an 8 lane pool, else top 5 if in a 10 lane pool) are invited. 
  • Meet participation is optional, of course. Declared intentions to participation from athletes and schools are desired in advance. With a scratch, the alternates are then invited. Team and individuals attending are posted to a website in a transparent process as is done with for the other ISCA meets.  
  • In Olympic years, the meets should be Long-Course Meters rather than Short-Course Yards so as to give the swimmers a better chance to make or better their cuts for the USA Olympic Trials.
  • A sanctioned, club meet held like a last-ditch time trial could be held at the conclusion of the Intergalactic Meet to give athletes a chance to swim 200-stroke events or events not contested in the state meet program. Relay only swimmers could get in events as well. Deck entries, event fees and ISCA's meet manager would make this a valued experience.    
  • Various, optional, mini clinics among coaches, athletes, boosters and others is a desired option on the day of the Intergalactic meet, and perhaps on the days preceding. For example, lifeguard recertification courses and learning how to become a high school sports official could be offered. 

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