Membership site considerations. No thanks. Let’s shoot for mini-courses, online lessons and even quizzes with an open-source spirit

0  comments is not going to evolve into a MEMBERS-ONLY SITE

A membership site could showcase the expertise, but a membership site would also limit the scope to only those who seek the information.

Points of doubt, direction, interaction and even sticking-points can be posted to the membership site as this can be more easily updated and limit market-place confusions, especially with competitors in the industry. 

A viable membership site can use existing content and expertise and be a catalyst to create additional content for existing and future customers. 

Consumers who have not made a purchase yet are able to be kept out of a membership site. Access could flow only to those who made a purchase and obtained a membership.

A membership site moves the number of people reached with support services by converting the business model from “one-to-one” into “one-to-many.” The outreach multiplies. The membership site could create new opportunities to interact with customers and up-sell to other products.


A new stream for transactions and possible income opens with a members site.

With work, content can be twisted into additional outlets and forums: tutorials, lessons, manuals, quizzes, articles and extended blog posts.

A membership site could allow the product spokespeople the ability to spend more time on deck and with other efforts, yet still claim to offer a robust support schedule.

A membership site can establish more loyal and engaged customers. Some may be thrilled about the extra value provided with a membership site and courses. These individuals are the ones who are most ready to respond to new offers and spend more.

The ability to position other coaches as experts in the field can be highlighted with a membership site. But the content can remain somewhat guarded from more general audiences with additional filtering of doubtful content and rambling rants. The limited scope of a membership site can serve as a proving ground that can generate new content. The good news and tips can be promoted and re-positioned to reaching larger audiences later.

New content establishes credibility and social proof and can help to land more lucrative opportunities with bigger clients.

Quizzes and Courses instead of a membership site

The opportunity to breathe new life into old content already crafted for other markets can be included into quizzes and courses. Content that has already been developed and was already paid for with the spending of lots of time and money to create, can flow into the tutorials, presentations, quizzes and courses at 

The ability to easily add new digital products and packages using the platform and infrastructure of can be valuable, especially for collaborative ventures. can leap-frog its content past the office space confines with the inventors and partners in Australia. can remove one of the most significant barriers for growing business exponentially with new teachers, new voices and new ways to deploy the tools. hopes to become a valuable channel for marketing solutions and core products to a highly engaged, targeted audience of aquatic leaders who’s are ready to demonstrated an interest in these pursuits and brands. 

Aims and Purpose

  • Best practices for coaches
  • Offer new, different and in-depth content and design considerations
  • Generate tips to fine-tune the user experience
  • Noodle upon functionality requirements for quality practices and meets
  • Host a proving ground that harbors information to help consumers choose the right platform for meeting their needs with their swimmers, teams and programs
  • Offer strategies about finances so that programs can raise funds for obtaining their own equipment
  • Give guidelines for upkeep and maintenance of all types of equipment\
  • Conduct marketing polls and implementation strategies for new online products
  • Help drive traffic and search-engine results to partner sites
  • Tools and processes for managing payments
  • Offer technical considerations for those choosing a platform
  • Distill ideas for creating high-quality content that can then migrate to other sites that is able to impress customers and investors
  • Design strategies of retention to decrease churn among the sports participants, local coaches and customers
  • can be bold and dig into the challenges to consider before costly mistakes are made
  • can help to develop a stronger product for the North American market
  • FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and ANSWER documents can be hosted at
  • A trend in the online world, with an explosion of content, is to help customers and help to eliminate confusion. The web course and the quizzes can help entrepreneurs reach prospects and guide them. Various delivery strategies, payment models, site navigation maps, and promotional tactics can catch various customers. A wider array of service packages can help get more exposure and more successful support experiences, before and after sales.
  • The open-source business model does not generally fit into commercial, inventive and proprietary structure of a guarded company. But can offer that common-ground with open-source efforts.
  • should multiply the number of people reached by discussing cutting-edge content, such as wearable devices, with the hopes that some would be converted to business customers.

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