Aquatic leadership: Assist and help to craft smart questions for the open-source swim knowledge exams


Test sets don't always need to be physical feats.

Our test sets have many dimensions and being smarter, with more knowledge and of better judgement in and around the water can lead to smarter individuals and communities. 

Taking care of oneself begins with better awareness of self as well as other facts and understandings of the world. 

Early and existing water safety quizzes

All are invited to take the online, water safety tests that accompany the four levels of certification with Experience the four different quizzes, each with 25 questions. Progress from Level 1 to Level 4, gaining access to the next level after successfully passing the prior quiz. 

Another aquatic quiz experience resides within the online course at called, Get Your Feet Wet -- Swimming.  

Make Your Own Quiz

All are invited to use the following form and submit your questions so that a custom test can be made for your students and community. 

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